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The Tribe - Season 6 - Episode 18 ... (Fiction)

(The gang took one last look behind them as they exited the boat, the city was dark and cold and from where they stood, the city looked like a ghost town, should they have left such a safe paradise in the woods, for something so risky and uncertain?)
RAM: (appearing behind Lex)..  Having second thought's ey Lexy?
LEX: Not on your life......  let's move.. (he replied stepping into the city, walking ahead of the others)
AMBER: I hope this isn't a big mistake.. (she says holding Bray Jnr close and following Lex)
(as they ventured further into the city they stopped outside what used to be the hotel.. now  it was practically a huge pile of ashes. But every other building in the surrounding seemed to be untouched and still standing)
JAY: Well this isn't strange at all.. (he replied sarcastically)
TRUDY: But is it safe?
(looking around they noticed that people were walking around as though nothing had ever happened)
LEX: Hey kid.. (he called to a young girl in the street)
GIRL: (turning to face Lex).. Sheriff?
LEX: What's going on?
GIRL: I don't understand
SLADE: There was the explosion, you remember?
GIRL: Yeah.. So?
MAY: So... what happened.. What about the virus?
GIRL: Where have you been all this time? .. There's NO virus..
LEX: What are you talking about?
GIRL: There's no threat to the city, the explosion at the hotel is a mystery... But it's safe.. that's all we know
(Lex signals for the girl to leave and she rushes off.. Lex turns to face the others)
LEX: Oh it's a mystery alright... Happen to know anything about this Ram? .. (he say's accusingly)
AMBER: Look guys, it doesn't matter.. It's over. We're safe, that's all we wanted to know..  (smiles).. Let's go 'home'

(Stepping into the mall the gang halt at the fountain & look around, so empty & abandoned! ... Memories came flooding back, as they dropped their bags Lex headed straight for his bedroom whilst the others made their way to the kitchen... Zoe was curious, something was eating Lex & she wanted to know what.. as she poked her head around the door, there she saw him in a heap on the floor! ...  It broke her heart, "what was wrong with him?")
ZOE: (Running to Lex's side) .. Lex?
LEX: Just, go away.. leave me alone... (he replied pulling two photo's from his pocket)
(Lex looked as though he could cry any minute)
ZOE: I'm not leaving you like this, what's wrong? Please tell me..
(Lex ignores Zoe & continues to make his shrines to Taisan & Siva .. jealousy creeps in as Zoe see's the photo's)
ZOE: It's the ex'es Right?
LEX: (anger rises as he raises his voice) .. How many more times? They're not my ex'es, I didn't dump them & they didn't dump me.. they died.
ZOE: But they're gone, your with me now.. they're your past.. (she replied jealously)
LEX: (standing up) .. Would you listen to yourself? .. I LOVED these women and I don't care what you say .. I'm NOT taking this stuff down...  and here's one for free,  You either get over your jealousy & deal with it or your going to lose me.. Your choice
(Lex storms out & joins the others in the cafe leaving Zoe to sulk)

(In the cafe Amber finishes dishing out lunch for everyone, whilst the others sit chatting among themselves)
AMBER: Guy's we've got some serious issues to sort out
JAY: Like what?
AMBER: Well the hotel for starters, the remaining rubble needs clearing out... and food, these last few tins aren't going to last forever, we need people to go to the farm and collect fresh vegatables 
LEX: and fish or crab from the beach & streams
AMBER: (pointing at Lex) .. Correct... and water.. Ram you need to sort out the water for us again
RAM: I never cut the water off when we left, there was no time, if I'm right the water should be fine
AMBER: (handing out plate's of food).. That's great, one less thing to worry about .. Lex could you sort out security for the sewer entrance before we go to sleep tonight? 
LEX: Sure
AMBER: Great & I'll draw up a rota for the next few weeks
LOTTIE: Why? What for?
SALENE: Well Lottie, Without food we die
LOTTIE: I know, I mean why do we need a rota?
SALENE: That's what I'm trying to explain, We need some of us to go out for vegatables, others to go out for fish & the rest of us to stay here cleaning the mall & looking after the babies
GEL: Can I be a baby sitter?
MAY: You're only suggesting that so you don't have to work
GEL: Shut up, what would you know?
EBONY: Oh will the pair of you shut up? .. Man your giving me a headache
AMBER: Look can we all just stop arguing please? ...(sighs) .. Who does what hasn't been decided yet
EBONY: and let me guess.. YOU'RE the one who get's to make that decision, am I right?
TRUDY: Shut up Ebony
EBONY: No, listen & you listen good. We're not kids anymore & I'm not being bossed around by someone the same age as me
AMBER: (rolls her eyes) .. Ebony it's two days a week of chores, the rest of the week. Do what the hell you like
SLADE: Ebony?
EBONY: (Slamming her hand on the table).. No Slade
LEX: (standing up) No I agree with her, I think Ebony's right. We're not kids anymore, with the exception of Lottie & the babies.. but we need to sit down together & make sure we're all happy doing the jobs assigned to us
RUBY: agreed
AMBER: Okay fine, We'll take a vote.. all those in favour of Lex & Ebony's idea raise your hands..
(Bray, Trudy, Ebony, Lex, Slade, Gel, Ved, Ram & Ruby raise their hands)
AMBER: all those in favour of my idea, raise your hands..
(May, Salene, Jay, Lottie, Daryl & Amber raise their hands)
RUBY: that's 9 to 6 
LEX: Your out voted Amber
AMBER: Fine do what you like
(Amber finally sit's down & shuts up, and Ved tries to speak with Gel)
VED: Have you thought about what I said before?
GEL: The only thing I'm thinking of is how annoying you are.. (standing up) .. Leave me alone..

-End of Episode 18-

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