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The Tribe - Season 6 - Episode 17 ... (Fiction)

(That morning the gang had gathered outside, their bags all packed ...... as they shut the cabin door the took a quick glance back at the wooden hut, they'd called home for the past few weeks... There was a mix of emotions in the air as they made their way back to the boat... None of them knew exactly what lie ahead for them... what state the mall would be in, or even if it was safe.. all they knew is.. they couldn't survive in the forest, they needed much more than plant's & berries could offer.. Gel had been putting on a happy face, she loved the thought of living in the luxury & warmth of the mall  again but she was far from satisfied... as she glanced over at the loving hug Lex had embraced Zoe into.. she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.. Ved hadn't even offered  to help her carry her bag..
Gel still held a torch for Lex...  Maybe she'd never get over her crush.. but now it was too late..
Her indecisivness had driven him to the arms of another woman, & it wasn't until now that Gel had realised how much she wanted him.. Thinking of the mall had reminded her of their first kiss, sat on the bed together Lex had kissed her so passionatley.. nobody had ever kissed her like that before... & her being with such a passionless guy like Ved had made Gel realise that Lex was the guy for her, there could be no one else.. Lex was the one.. the man of her dreams)
VED: What's wrong with you?
GEL: Glad you finally noticed
VED: I don't get it
GEL: I'm breaking up with you
VED: (stops in his tracks) .. What? .. Why?
GEL: I need a 'real' man, someone considerate..
VED: I can be
GEL: You've yet to prove it
VED: (pulls Gel back by the arm).. But we haven't even had a chance to get to know each other properly
GEL: That's your problem.. (she screeched trying to free her arm).. let go of my arm
(Gel starts to slap Ved, much to Ved's amusement)
VED: Love slaps? .. (he asks laughing)
GEL: You wish
VED: (still laughing).. You fight like a GIRL
GEL: I AM A GIRL, WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE? ... (she yells) .. Now let go of me or I'm calling Lex
VED: No .. I don't wan't him back here.. (he replied letting go of Gel's arm)
GEL: I didn't think so either.. (she snaps)
(Gel marches off in front)
SLADE: Ruby, tell me.. Just what did Ebony do to you?
RUBY: She didn't do anything Slade, what are you talking about? ..
(Ruby didn't like lying to Slade, but she wasn't one to cause trouble unnecessarily, so she decided to cover for Ebony)
SLADE: Just something she told me last night, she didn't go into detail.. all she mentioned was that she'd done something unforgivable to you & she felt terrible about it
RUBY: Ebony? .. I don't know what she's talking about.. she must have had too much to drink, don't take any notice
SLADE: Are you sure your not hiding anything?
RUBY: Of course not... Why would I cover for Ebony?.. of all people.. think about it Slade
(Ruby moves out of Slade's path & goe's to speak with Ram)

SALENE: Everything ok?
GEL: No .. (she snapped)
SALENE: Woah, don't bite my head off I only asked.......... What's the matter? .. You & Ved haven't fallen out have you?
GEL: Would you care If we had? .. I know what you all think of me.. "Stupid selfish, little barbie girl".. and I know that nobody want's me in the tribe
SALENE: That's NOT true.. (pauses).. We had a girl just like you in our tribe once.. Her name was Zandra.. & as much as she was annoying at times.. we still loved her, she was part of the tribe, she was family, just like you are now..
GEL: (managing a small smile).. Thank's Salene
SALENE: Now what is it,  that's upset you so much? .. You can talk to me, you know that..
GEL: I'm not with Ved, but I'm not upset over it either... (sighs).. I'm upset because I'm in love with someone who I don't ever have a shot with......  because he's with someone else
GEL: No.. that was just a silly crush..... I'm talking love
SALENE: Oh... & does this guy know you like him?
GEL: I think so..
SALENE: Have you ever told him?
GEL: (shrugs).. Not actually.. but I think he kinda, maybe picked up on it
SALENE: Ahh.. Lex?
(Gel remains silent..)
SALENE: Oh honey, I've been through it all before & it's hard when the one you want doesn't feel the same way.. I know... but what really hurts is seeing him with another girl... I know what your going through... I've been there before... & I felt that way for years.
GEL: So what did you do?
SALENE: What could I do? ... I had to learn.. what's to be, will be.. & what isn't.. won't..
GEL: Your NOT helping! .. (she yelled)
SALENE: Maybe not, but I'm being truthful..

AMBER: As soon as we get back to the city, the first thing I'm going to find is a pushchair.. This little man is getting heavy
LOTTIE: Shouldn't he be walking by now?
AMBER: He will be soon, I should expect
TRUDY: Lottie all babies walk in their own time.. at their own pace..
EBONY: Eugh.. They dribble at their own pace too.. (she say's wiping Bray Jnr's chin with a pocket hanky)
DARYL: I bet he can crawl faster than half of you can walk
MAY: Yeah you included Daryl, Your not exactly speedy yourself
RAM: What's the rush? .. We're taking a nice, slow & steady walk
BRAY: Avoiding the city?
JAY: Not at all.. but we've got all day.. so as Ram said.. what's the rush?
BRAY: I don't remember asking YOUR opinion
AMBER: Shut up the pair of you... before you even start

MAY: Oh would you two get a room?
LEX: (raising his left eyebrow).. I wish
EBONY: Haven't you got anything better to do than snog? .. Maybe something like picking up the pace a little bit?
LEX: What's the hurry?
ZOE: Not jealous are you Ebony?
LEX: Don't worry Ebony, there's plenty of me to go around.. (he teases jokingly)
EBONY: No thank you Lex .. (she smiles)..  I heard all about your antics from Siva..
LEX: And what might those be? .. (he asks intrigued)
(Ebony just laughs)
EBONY: Hey Zoe, when we get back to the city... Maybe he'll take you to his love shack..
(Ebony shrieks with laughter & continues walking ahead)
-End Of Episode 17-


  1. grate fiction! i realy like it :P hope you will be writting many more episodes in season 6 :P

  2. Is this a script from the book or ur own script? Did u got all these ideas or they still exist?
